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发布时间:2023-11-10 18:30:23编辑:娄唯辰来源:


Money Boy如果直译的话,其意思为金钱男孩,目前通常用来表示男妓的一种类型,是指向同性提供有偿性服务的男性。

money boy——群体特征

Money Boy是同志圈中一个比较特殊的群体。Money Boy不一定是同性向者,有的只是为了钱才与同性发生性行为,并非出于性需求,也没有这方面的性需求。

money boy——生存现状

Money Boy一般年轻帅气,社会地位低下。一般都是做不长久,没有固定收入,靠陪客人喝酒聊天、性交易维持生计。

money boy——双语例句

1. She was choused out of a large amount of money by her boy friend.她被男朋友骗去一大笔钱。

2. I`m badly off, for I have to spend a lot of money on my sick boy but I am out of work.缺钱花。因为我在我生病的儿子身上花了很多钱,而我又失业了。

3. It cost ten times as much, in labor and care and money, to bring us out where we are today, as it cost to educate the average man, a hundred times as much as it cost to raise a boy without any education.为了培养、造就成为今天在这里的大学生,花的是养活一个普通人十倍的人力和资金,是养活一个没有任何教育的孩子的一百倍的代价。

4. He has given away all his money to the pool boy.他把所有的钱都送给了那个可怜的男孩了。

5、 The father was so cheese paring with his son's pocket money that the boy hadn't enough money to buy a table tennis bat.这位父亲给孩子的零用钱少得可怜,孩子想买个乒乓球拍都没有足够的钱。

6、 The Laurence boy, who lived next door to the women, had a lot of money, but he always felt poor in their heart.住在马奇太太家隔壁的是劳伦斯一家,家里有很多钱,但是劳伦斯家的男孩总觉得自己的内心很贫乏。


